Before a Storm
- All new construction must have window covers and window cover storage.
- You must evacuate all recreational vehicles, golf carts, boats, and boat trailers stored on the ground from the island within four (4) hours after a hurricane watch has been issued for the island.
- Property owners are encouraged to secure property when a hurricane watch is issued for the island.
- Once a mandatory evacuation is issued for the island, non-residents will not be allowed on the island.
Once a Mandatory Evacuation is Ordered for the Village Residents are encouraged to leave the island and turn off power to their houses at the main breaker. Once the deadline for a mandatory evacuation has passed:
- The mayor has the authority to turn off water and sewer to protect infrastructure.
- The mayor has the authority to request that power be turned off from the island to prevent electrical fires.
- To safely travel over the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge, fire trucks, ambulances, and other high profile emergency vehicles will be evacuated from the island when wind speeds reach 50 mph.
- All other emergency personnel and equipment will be evacuated from the island when storm surge begins to flood city streets.
- Those who choose to remain on the island during a mandatory evacuation will be without water, without sewer, without power, and without emergency services.
Returning after a Mandatory Evacuation
- Do not try to come back to the island until emergency personnel determine that it is safe to return.
- Residents will be allowed back on the island first. Be prepared to show proof of residency at a checkpoint.
- Property owners must show proof of ownership to be allowed onto the island.Proceed with cleanup safely. Remember that the storm has displaced snakes and other wild animals, which may try to find refuge in your home.