
For information, contact City Hall at 979-233-1531 ext. 106 or by email at 

Mobile Vendor Application Process

Are you interested in operating a mobile food or retail business in Surfside? Follow the steps below to complete the application process and obtain your permit.

Step 1: Prepare Required Documents

Before applying, ensure you have the following:
Photos of Mobile Establishment – Clear images of your setup.
Copy of Texas Driver’s License – A valid form of identification.
Fire Marshal Inspection Approval – Certification that your unit meets fire safety standards.
Brazoria County Health Inspection Approval – Required for all food-related vendors.

Step 2: Obtain Brazoria County Approvals

Visit the Brazoria County Environmental Health Department to complete necessary inspections and approvals.
Brazoria County Permit Applications & Forms

Step 3: Submit Application to Surfside City Hall

Once you have completed the Brazoria County requirements, bring all documentation to Surfside City Hall to finalize your application.

Location: Surfside City Hall
Fee: $350.00 annually

For questions or more information, please contact Surfside City Hall at 979-233-1531 ext. 106.